Friday, September 15, 2006

Depression Days - No clicks with adsense

Today I have updated my site, I have added a page on Post Partum or Post Natal Depression. With my research everything I came across says that postpartum depression can happen within a year after childbirth. I personally wonder though whether it can take longer. Or does it just mean that if you get depression 18 months after childbirth that its then considered normal depression as opposed to post partum?? I don't know the answer to this. All I know is my depression started probably a couple of years after my last child was born.

I'm beginning to wonder if its worth having a site for adsense, what am I doing wrong???? I am getting visitors to my site but I'm not getting any clicks. I have changed my adsense around so many times, according to ebooks and advice on forums but NOTHING seems to be working.

I have stated in previous blogs that I am going to start doing everything that I say to do on my site. I took up jogging last week, I went jogging with my big puppy for 3 days in a row, then it stopped because my kids have been sick so I haven't managed to get out. I'm going to start again today though.



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