Thursday, October 26, 2006

Depressing Depression

I don't really have much to write about today other than its very depressing trying to create websites.

Today I went into a forum and asked for opinions on my latest website, only for it to put me into a mood of depression, I was hoping for more positive feedback, but got a few criticisms. Then of course I went in to try and change a couple of things, then my whole page went out of whack and I couldn't fix it again - took me ages.

I think I'll just leave it as it is.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Beat Depression the Natural Way

I know it is said that you cannot beat depression by telling yourself to 'snap out of it'. I must say I agree with this, but that's not to say you can't beat it WITHOUT using medications.

Its more than just telling yourself to snap out of it and it certainly wont happen overnight, it needs work. There will still be plenty of bad days, but we need to work at having less bad days and more good ones.

Positive Thinking
I truly believe negative thinking plays such a massive part in being depressed. I know from my personal experience anyway, its those negative thoughts that run constantly through my head that make me depressed. Gradually it gets worse and worse until eventually your whole day is just full of negative thinking, from the moment you wake to the moment you go to sleep at night. And your whole day is just one big day of depression. Everything that happens in your day gets you down, you look at the negatives of everything. Its almost impossible to see the positives.

You need to make it your goal to think positively. Its not going to come easy, its going to be bloody hard, but you need to really make a huge effort to try and see some of the positive things throughout your day. Everything that happens, don't automatically think the worst but stop - stop what your doing and search for the positive, there has to be a positive in there somewhere. At the end of each day sit down and write a diary, it doesn't need to be long, but just right all the positive things that happened that day. Don't write any of the negatives, only the positive.

Each morning when you are planning your day, plan something you like to do. Something that you enjoy. Make sure you do at least one activity during the day that you will enjoy. What do you love to do? Or perhaps used to love to do but never get the time anymore. Well do it, stop saying you don't have the time or energy, make the time, make the energy to do at least one thing a day.

Gradually increase it to more than one, and keep up with writing down all the positives at the end of the day. Soon there will be more positives and less negatives, it will get easier to start seeing the positives and not EVERY negative.

Try some exercise. Exercise is always great for depression, allthough most depression sufferers don't feel like they have the energy to exercise, but make it, call the energy and it will come. It wont just come on its own. The more you do it the easier it will get and the more energy you will have.

Lastly, eat right. Have a good diet high in fruits and vegetable. You'll be surprised at how much better you feel and how much more energy you have when you eat right.

Good Luck and Be Happy

Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Poem about Depression

The Bubble Of Depression

A bubble of depression
I'm caught deep inside
There's no escape, no way out
I just want to hide

The circle engulfs me
its elastic walls
whenever I get near them
I bounce and I fall

There are so many things
outside my bubble I can see
but I just can't get near them
I cannot break free

Things I so dearly want to do
eat right, exercise and yoga too
The career that I long to achieve
my family can be happy I need to believe

But each time I'm close
I want it so bad
Its just out of my reach
it makes me so sad.

The walls of my bubble
bounce me away from my dreams
deep, deep back inside
I'll never get there it seems

All alone in my bubble
there is no one else here
just me and my thoughts
bad thoughts and my fear

Can I ever get out
this circle of despair
will I ever achieve
all my dreams out there?

Depression is cruel
a cruel hand of fate
But I aim to get out
of this bubble I hate

There's a long road ahead
but the light I can see
I must do it for my children
for my family and for me.


Thursday, October 12, 2006

How To Recognise The Symptoms Of Depressions

When symptoms of depression are affecting quality of life, a person may find himself asking the following questions. Why is life so frustrating? Why do I feel so irritable? Why do I feel so exhausted all of the time?
If you find that coping with everyday challenges is getting the best of you, it may be time to reassess your emotional well-being. Although life can be stressful, at times, and external events can and do influence mood, it may be that you are suffering from a condition that afflicts millions of people each year. Depression symptoms may be influencing the way you perceive life and how you react to it. You may, in fact, be suffering from depression.
When it comes to recognizing symptoms for depression, surprisingly, these can be missed. Feeling frustrated or irritable is common and many people have, at times, experienced exhaustion, so people suffering from depression may live with a particular set of symptoms that persist for years, failing to recognize that something more serious is at work. “This is just the way I am. Doesn’t everyone feel this way?” a sufferer might ask. People are often harder on themselves than they would be with others and this also can influence how they view their emotional state. “I don’t want to be too soft on myself,” they think, downplaying their symptoms of depression.
When discussing depression symptoms, it is important to realize that these are multi-faceted and wide-ranging. Intense sadness can mar existence. Anxiety can feel alarming. Confidence may be lacking, which can make social functioning difficult. Life may be viewed as a series of mishaps. Preoccupation with personal mistakes or self-criticism can be ongoing. Small tasks can sometimes feel larger than life. Lack of energy and feeling exhausted can be accompanied by sleep disturbances that don’t ease that tired feeling. Irritation and anger may have the upper hand. Loss of interest in everyday activities may make it seem that life is dull, something that has to be gotten through. Hope may have fled and it may be hard to picture a satisfying future with these symptoms for depression can seriously impact quality of life.
Thankfully, when it comes to treatment for symptoms of depression, help is readily available. Conventional treatment may draw on medication and psychotherapy and these two methods may prove helpful. Alternative treatments have also been shown to be very effective in treating and alleviating depression. Natural supplementation is becoming popular because it doesn’t necessarily present the same side effects.
Research has shed light on neurotransmitter, brain, and nervous system malfunctioning and has provided insights on how nutritional deficiencies can play a role in how and why imbalances occur. Natural remedies act to correct malfunctioning and restore balance, there-by improving mood and well being, reducing depression symptoms.
Natural, good quality supplements contain vitamins, minerals, and co-factors, amino acids and enzymes, herbal extracts, and specialty supplements. Specific ingredients may include ginkgo biloba, for concentration and mental clarity, beneficial for treatment of cognitive decline and depression symptoms; green tea with polyphenols, used for improved cognitive performance; valerian which has been used to treat restlessness and anxiety-induced sleep disorders, insomnia, and depression; B6, which supports nerve tissues and is used in the treatment of depression. Natural remedies incorporate essential and effective ingredients that reduce symptoms for depression sufferers.
More information about natural supplements and recognizing symptoms of depression, can be found at our site.
Help and hope are available. Depression symptoms don’t have to go unrecognized and untreated. If you think you may be suffering from this condition, it is comforting to know that treatment options are flexible and can bring about a reduction in symptoms for depression sufferers.
Athlyn Green is an avid health enthusiast with an interest in natural remedies for treatment of health disorders. She is a regular contributor to several health sites, including Symptoms Of Depression, a site dedicated to treating depression safely and effectively.

Article Source:


Sunday, October 08, 2006

Antidepressants - Are Side Effects Worse When Tired

Some side effects from Anti-depressants include:

Dry Mouth
Jaw Clenching/Teeth Grinding

and I know there are more that I just can't think of at the moment.

The main side effects that I suffer from are Jaw Clenching and Dry Mouth. My question is can these side effects be worse if you are tired or run down?

My mouth has been so dry the last few days - more so than normal. I have just returned from a camping trip - during which I didn't sleep well - and have been extremely tired since I got home, so this is why I'm wondering could this be causing the dry mouth to be worse???

I know stress can cause dry mouth also and jaw clenching so perhaps that could be it, I had some stressful days over the last week or so. I also didn't drink enough while we were away due to the lack of drinking water.

Well, hopefully now that I'm home and getting back into my usual routine and drinking more water, hopefully it will settle down a bit. There's nothing like becoming depressed over side effects of anti-depressants!!!

Isn't it ironic when anxiety is a side effect of anti-depressants. For me thankfully it has helped my anxiety to a certain extent, although I do still suffer from it - not as bad as I use to. For me depression, panic and anxiety kind of all go hand in hand, so it would be dreadful to take medication for depression only to find it makes your anxiety worse - which would then make your depression worse wouldn't it???

I really need to get stuck into better eating, exercise and yoga and try to pull myself out of depression so I don't need medication for the rest of my life. I would hate to have to put up with the side effects forever.

WE NEED A CURE!!!! A cure for depression, a cure for panic attacks, a cure for anxiety. Wouldn't it be great.


Saturday, October 07, 2006

Depression Days - Feeling Down

I played around with my website a bit the last couple of days and changed the colour scheme a bit. I had grey before and when I thought about it grey is a 'down' colour really so I thought I'd change to a pale yellow. Took me forever to change every page, now that its done I'm not sure that I like it. Not changing it again just yet though it took too long.

I woke up this morning feeling down, not sure why, I have no idea what is wrong with me today. My mouth was really dry to the extent I felt like my tongue was swelling. My nose and ears are blocked and generally feel yuk. Then of course I do my usually and start worrying about these feelings and the more I worry the more depressed I feel, vicous cycle. I wish there was just an instant cure for this, how can people struggle with these feelings forever, I am on medication, gee I'd hate to think what my feelings would be like today if I wasn't on medication.

The medication does help, but it doesn't cure it that's for sure, it only helps to a certain extent. If I increase my dose then I can't stand the side effects and they depress me. Its a no win situation.

I HATE THESE FEELINGS!!! I just want to lie in bed and cry. I don't even know why I am on here, maybe I should be out in the fresh air or doing something active, I really don't have the energy. Hopefully tomorrow will bring better feelings.


Friday, October 06, 2006

Depression Days - Types of Depression

Types of Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses with 10-15% of people suffering from depression at some stage in their lifetime. The general symptoms of depression include irritability, difficulty to concentrate, feelings of guilt or helplessness, reduced appetite, anxiety, loss of interest in activities and personal appearance, difficulty sleeping, difficulty getting up in the morning, constant tiredness, lack of energy, changes in weight and headaches.
Most people are aware of common depression, however depression has different types which I have summarised below:

Major Depression
Major depression is the most common form of depression and most people will probably know somebody that suffers from it. Major depression will have the symptoms listed above. Depression symptoms may vary from person to person so not everyone will suffer all of the symptoms. The person will lack interest in most activities and be saddened with the thought that they will never pull out of these feelings and will always remain in this hopeless state. Of course the more the person thinks this way the more depressed they become.

Atypical Depression
Atypical depression is slightly different from major depression. Someone suffering from Atypical depression will not always be depressed but will sometimes have feelings of happiness and elation. Symptoms are similar to major depression and include weight change, fatigue, oversleeping and overeating. Sufferers believe that their moods are controlled by outside events such as praise, attention, success. Atypical depression episodes can last for month and some people may suffer from it forever.

Psychotic Depression
People suffering from Psychotic depression will imagine they hear or see things that aren't actually there. They may hear voices or sounds and see visions that don't exist to anyone but them. These hallucinations are more common to someone suffering from schizophrenia. A person with Psychotic depression has hallucinations that are frightening and threatening, negative sounds and images.

Dysthmyia is a condition that sufferers don't even know they have depression, it is just a daily part of their lives and always has been. People suffering from Dysthmyia are people that are simply sad, blue, always depressed but for them it is completely normal and are not aware of it. They go through life feeling unimportant, frightened, dissatisfied and simply don't enjoy life.

Post Partum or Post Natal Depression
Depression that occurs either during or within a year after pregnancy is called perinatal depression. Perinatal depression is a very common form of depression and a large number of women will experience it. This type of depression can sometimes be hard to diagnose as there are a lot of changes going on within our bodies during and after pregnancy anyway. Some signs of perinatal depression are tiredness, changes in body weight, emotional changes and problems sleeping, but these also occur during pregnancy without necessarily having depression.

Manic or Bipolar Depression
Manic depression can be defined as an emotional disorder characterized by changing mood shifts from depression to mania which can sometimes be quite rapid.
Every individual with bipolar disorder has a unique pattern of mood cycles, combining depression and manic episodes, that is specific to that individual, but predictable once the pattern is identified.
Effective treatment is available for bipolar disorder. Without treatment, marital breakups, job loss, alcohol and drug abuse, and suicide may result from the chronic, episodic mood swings.

Take care - keep smiling :)

Depression Days - Back from holidays

Have just arrived home this afternoon after a week camping in the Flinders Ranges in South Australia. Had a good time, great to spend time in the outdoors so close to the wonderful wildlife we have here in Australia. We had kangaroos jumping past our caravan, we saw emu's, wallaby, kangaroos, echidna's, monitor lizards, blue tongue lizards, lots of flies (could have done without those), tadpoles, corellas and possums. I love seeing all these animals in their natural environment, it is just fantastic.

Although the one natural thing we could have done without was the massive wind storm we had 2 nights ago, I have never felt such strong winds it was so scarey, I was crying I was so scared. Some people near us packed up their tent and went to find a pub to stay in for the night. That was really scary and not the best night, didn't get a lot of sleep that night and was glad when the night was over, by morning it was nice and calm and turned out to be a beautiful day.

We blew a tyre on the 4wd on a dirt track and were quite worried about the spare tyre going very far as it was quite bald and half flat, it made it though to a town where we had to spend the night while they ordered some tyres to arrive over night.

Overall though the week was quite good, kids and dog had a ball. Glad to get home though to my own bed, a nice hot shower, water that I can drink out the tap and a toilet - not real keen on peeing in the bush.
